The overall process of fairing is as follows:
1. Rough up the shape using the Add Row/Col and the Move Point commands
2. Fair the surface using the k-curve and Move% commands
3. Check the fairness using the Gaussian curvature display
Remember the following points:
A NURB surface is a
rectangular-like grid of rows and columns
It is more difficult to
fair a distorted, non-rectangular shape
Spread the rows and
columns evenly over the surface
The fewer the rows and
columns you use, the better
Keep the spread of rows
and columns within a 2:1 spacing ratio
Rough shape the surface
after adding each row or column
Wait to fair the
surface until after you have added in all rows and columns
Use the k-curves on the
rows and columns with the Move% command
Turn on selected
hullcuts to see them dynamically change shape
Fair the surface only
to within building tolerances
Use the Gaussian
curvature display to check for unfair spots
Fairing is not an automatic process and there are different degrees of fairness. It is impossible to fair a surface perfectly. All you have to worry about is getting the hull fair to within building tolerances.